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Trekking in Sardinia along the coast between Pula and Chia


Discover a new Sardinia, to be enjoyed all year round.

Between the sea and the mountains, the Lantana Resort has an ideal location for trekking and discovering the lesser-known Sardinia, with its flowery fields, forests and wild nature.

Hiking and trekking are perfect activities for the spring season, when the landscape is still green and in bloom, and temperatures are not too high. On these days, you can set off on one of the trekking routes along the coast between Pula and Chia. These are paths with different levels of difficulty, suitable for experienced hikers or simple nature walkers.

For trekking enthusiasts, we recommend a long-distance trail in the Pixinamanna forest, which runs along the former site of a railway and then continues along striking mule and cart tracks: a route for experienced hikers, definitely challenging, but offering a unique experience. There is also another interesting route that goes from Santa Margherita di Pula to the beautiful beaches of Chia, also following a stretch of an ancient Roman road and offering incredible views of the sea.

For walks that are less strenuous but equally picturesque, you can always go to Pixinamanna where you can walk along paths through dense vegetation and watercourses that in some places form small waterfalls, or in the Is Cannoneris state forest.

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Sito realizzato con finanziamenti dell'Unione Europea e con il supporto della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna.

Aiuto sostenuto dall'Unione Europea nell'ambito del POR FSE Sardegna 2014-2020; ii)

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