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The Cuisine | Lantana Resort 4* Pula - Sardinia

The Cuisine

Aromas & Flavours of local and Italian cuisine.
Authentic dishes that make Sardinia come alive and tell the story of its culture.

Research and choice of raw materials, seasonality, and preference for local products and resources guide Chef Lorenzo's choices in the kitchen.

The Cena Tipica Sarda (typical Sardinian dinner), food and wine events with meat and fish barbecues and themed evenings are the not-to-be-missed events from mid-June to mid-September.

Artisans in the kitchen between tradition and modernity

In the atmospheric setting of Ristorante Lantana's terrace, we celebrate the taste and variety of traditional Italian cuisine, enhanced by modern cooking and preparation techniques that help retain flavours and aroma.

Fresh pasta and homemade desserts, an always versatile menu accompanied by the tasting of wines from important local wineries, sublimate the food and wine offer of our restaurant.

Collaboration with the local community of producers and a focus on local resources are the added value of our cuisine.

Advance booking is recommended.

The cuisine according to CHEF LORENZO

"Quality raw materials should not be overdone but known, the only real way to enhance them"
Chef Lorenzo

We know our Chef Lorenzo and his idea of cuisine, made of study and research, respect and dedication.

Study and ongoing development, from new preparation and cooking techniques to the presentation of dishes. The focus on international gastronomy, both traditional and innovative, is a source of inspiration for its recipes. Chef Lorenzo's dishes combine tradition with creativity.

Research and care of the organoleptic characteristics of foodstuffs. Culture of raw materials, with a preference for seasonal and local.

Respect for tradition, developed along its evolutionary path, but also respect and care for the product, whose importance comes before the recipe itself.

Dedication and precision, derived from Lorenzo's passion for Japanese culture.

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Sito realizzato con finanziamenti dell'Unione Europea e con il supporto della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna.

Aiuto sostenuto dall'Unione Europea nell'ambito del POR FSE Sardegna 2014-2020; ii)

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