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Our history

Fourth-generation hoteliers

The Gallia family's legacy
Among the most renowned Italian hotel entrepreneurs, the Gallia’s have been passing down the baton of the management of their family hotels and have been opening new accommodating facilities for 4 generations.

Where it all started
“Being in the right place at the right time, with a high level of service” was the insight that animated the activity of the forefather, Carlo Gallia, a pioneer indeed: a philosophy destined to remain the distinctive constant of the family, for the entire Twentieth century, until today.

Since 1932
Since 1932 the Gallia family has played an important role as the protagonist in Italy’s Hotellerie history and has contributed to the creation of cult locations for Italian holidaymakers, such as Cervinia, Courmayeur and Punta Ala.
Entrepreneurial successes have followed the family throughout the years, from the Excelsior Hotel Gallia to the Hotel Du Nord, from the Hotel Cavour to the Hotel Continental, and so forth until now; the Lantana Resort **** Hotel & Apartments in the remote seaside-town of Pula in Sardinia.

Find out more on our blog.

Sito realizzato con finanziamenti dell'Unione Europea e con il supporto della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna.

Aiuto sostenuto dall'Unione Europea nell'ambito del POR FSE Sardegna 2014-2020; ii)

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