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A journey through the history of Sardinia

History and Archaeology

A journey back in time through the thousand-year history of Sardinia.

The Pula area and southern Sardinia in general are an excellent destination for archaeology lovers who want to delve into Sardinia's thousand-year history, and visit some of the island's most famous archaeological sites.

Nora: the archaeological area and the submerged city

Near Pula, we find Nora, one of the major centres of the Phoenician, Punic and Roman periods in Sardinia.
The site is now a major archaeological park in which 4 Italian universities work simultaneously, and is open to the public for guided tours.

Situated strategically between two harbours, on the Capo Pula headland, the ancient city of Nuragic foundations preserves beautiful remains of Phoenician temples, the temple of Aesculapius, traces of the marketplace and Roman baths, with splendid well-preserved mosaics. The water channels and cisterns are also still clearly visible, as are some remains of the necropolis. Finally, the splendid Roman theatre, today a summer venue for open-air performances, is worth mentioning.

Many of the artefacts found during the excavations are kept in the Pula Municipal Archaeological Museum, which is located in the historic centre.

But Nora is not just what we see on the surface: a large part of Sardinia's oldest city is in fact submerged and is a true paradise for lovers of underwater archaeology or those simply fond of diving.

Nuraghe Sa Domu e' s 'Orcu

Not far from Pula, more precisely in Sarroch, is the well-preserved and easily accessible "Sa Domo e' s'Orcu" nuraghe (with three towers). The nuraghe is located on a hill that overlooks the entire plain and from which you can also see Cagliari and the gulf, it is one of the closest complex nuraghi to the Sardinian capital and Pula.

Nuraghe di Barumini

It is worth travelling into the hinterland north of Cagliari, at the foot of the Giara Park to visit - accompanied by guides - the very important nuragic site "Su Nuraxi" in Barumini, the most important one in Sardinia, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997.
The original complex consisted of five towers, a central one called Mastio and four lateral ones joined by walls, which enclosed a courtyard overlooked by houses, equipped with a well with a spring.
Su Nuraxi (The Nuraghe) went through several historical phases characterised by continual change, from the Middle Bronze Age (1550-1300 BC) to the Punic-Roman Age (5th century BC - 3rd century AD), but the most interesting ruins that have come to light are those of the early Iron Age dwellings, in which the kitchen with the oven still stands out.

Torre del Coltellazzo

With a beautiful walk along the sea and the ruins of Nora, where the cool, golden hour of sunset adds even more charm, we reach the Torre del Collazzo, once a defence and protection for the tuna fishery at Pula.

Church of Sant'Efisio in Nora

After a swim at Nora beach and a visit to the archaeological area, you can also admire this beautiful little Romanesque church by the sea, which houses the body of Saint Efisio. The interior, with three small naves, is completely bare but very impressive. Since 1657, the city has been animated in May by pilgrims who, for the famous procession, leave Cagliari on the first day of the month and arrive here the next day to pay their respects to the Saint.

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Sito realizzato con finanziamenti dell'Unione Europea e con il supporto della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna.

Aiuto sostenuto dall'Unione Europea nell'ambito del POR FSE Sardegna 2014-2020; ii)

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